Erosion Control Planting Party at the Fremont Troll, Saturday, October 21st from 9 am to 3 pm.

The Troll not only got steps but is getting terraces and new soil which means plants can finally be put in that stop the hillside from eroding. This setup will reduce stormwater runoff and improve water quality.

But we need a lot of volunteers to help plant all of the plants. Friends of Trolls Knoll, in partnership with the Fremont Arts Council and the Fremont Chamber of Commerce, is having a planting party to put in all of the plants. Since the site is under the bridge, the work can happen even if it rains. The work includes digging, planting, sweeping and watering. No previous planting experience needed. Use the contact form to let us know if you are attending so we can have enough supplies. Meet at the Troll and bring a water bottle (this work can make you thirsty!) and sturdy shoes.


Thanks to all who helped with erosion control planting yesterday


SDOT scheduled to begin work on stairways on either side of the Fremont Troll the week of July 17th.